Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Story Project

     So, it's been three years since my last blog post and I'm ready to give this blogging idea another try.  This post is the beginning of a new project, which is also the continuation of an old project, but with a twist.  I'm sure you've heard the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words".  Well, that is true, but there is also a limit to the words a photo can speak.  Yes, a picture can show that someone has a story and a history, but the picture does not tell you what that story and history is.  My new project is going to take some pictures to a new level - sharing people's stories along with their image.
     The initial idea of this project started during my senior year of college when we had to complete a project & do a live showing of our work.  My idea was like I mentioned earlier - to take a picture to a new level by telling the subject's story along with their image.  This new project is going to be a continuation of that, but the subjects will be people who have a rich and long history - with a common, but exciting story to tell.  These people are not famous, but we can learn from their experiences - the trials and accomplishments of their lives.  
     I am really looking forward to diving into this and am excited to hear some stories and be able to share those stories with others.  It should be a fascinating journey.  
     I'm starting this new project with a piece of the old project.  The image below is Jack S. Henderson, with part of his story hand-written on the mat board surrounding his image.  Jack & his wife Beulah were neighbors of ours for about eight years.  I was 12-20 years old during that time.  I did yard work and cleaning for them, and they became like part of our family.  They became my "adopted" grandparents.  We celebrated birthdays, holidays, and "everydays" together.  Jack bought me my first bow saw when I was a teenager.  Obviously that is not a typical gift for a teenager, but Jack knew I loved to work out in the yard and that I liked keeping the trees trimmed.  Gardening was our common bond I guess.  I learned so much from both of them and wish I had spent more time with them while they were with us.  

I took this picture while in my first photography class at SIU. {Click on the pic to view a larger version of it}  Jack is holding the medals he received from serving in WWII.  I wish I knew how to take a better photograph back then!  The lighting is hideous, but the subject is wonderful.  :)

#southern illinois photographer #Herrin Photographer #kate collins #photography #children's photographer #family photographer

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Fever

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the seasons. I’ve been thinking about the literal seasons, and also seasons in our lives. Lately it seems like everyone has spring fever, including myself. The truth of it is, we’re sick of the cold & wet. Just like the nasty season of winter, we sometimes have nasty seasons in our lives. These times in the valley are hard. Sometimes they make us question God. Sometimes they make us wonder why we always get the short end of the stick. These seasons wear us out, and stretch our limits. But these times also make us grow. They make us cling to those close to us, and grow deeper together.

Just like a spoiled child, if we got good things all of the time, we wouldn’t appreciate them. We would just expect them. But because we are sometimes deprived of things, it makes it all seem that much sweeter when we get what we really want. So, I am going to try to appreciate the hard seasons, because I know a good one is just around the corner.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Here goes nothing

So, here goes. I have been bombarded with the idea of starting a blog. This is kind of intimidating and unknown territory for me, but when I take a leap like this, it usually has a good outcome. I have also been wanting to get some thoughts out on "paper" for a long time now, so this is my opportunity. Melting my personal and business life together, I think that's what this might become. I know I won't be able to be a daily or even weekly blogger, but I will try to be somewhat diligent to it. It'll be good for me, right?